What to Expect During Your Visit
We understand that it can be a little intimidating visiting a church for the first time. Upon visiting, you will receive a warm welcome by our church family. Our hope is that you will experience spiritually-inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching from the Bible and an atmosphere where you feel "at home."
How should I dress?
There is no dress code at Higher Ground. You will find that some people dress business casual while others dress in traditional "Sunday" dress.
What kind of music should I expect?
You will find our music both traditional and joyful. Our goal is not to entertain or perform, but to glorify and honor God through the gift of music. John 4:24 says, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Therefore, our music is theologically sound and deeply spiritual in nature. We are blessed to be living in a day and age where there are an abundance of hymns and spiritual songs that meet this criteria.
Do you provide child-care during the services?
Yes. Higher Ground provides a nursery for infants and children up to age three. The nursery is a safe, clean environment that is well staffed by caring members of the church.